


















Table tennis







June 2019 – September 2019
Hangzhou, China

Algorithm Engineer

Alibaba Group Inc.

Responsibilities include:

  • Built bidirectional encoder representation model based on large-scale users’ behavior data to characterize the users’ heterogeneous behavioral sequences and to optimize the Taobao product recommendation. Compared with the previous model, this model improved the 30% recall rate and solved the cross-domain user-cold-start issue.
  • Completed preprocessing tasks on 100 billion data, including: padding missing data, culling exception data, calculation of basic statistics, definition and encapsulation of data interfaces.
January 2019 – February 2019
Shanghai, China

Software Engineer

Google Inc.

Responsibilities include:

  • Developed a NLP Project used on news articles called “Title Trigger”, which includes: extraction & abstraction generation of titles, text style transferring of titles, tag classification of contents, etc.
  • Obtained “Most Technical Award”.
September 2018 – June 2020
Shenzhen, China

Research Assistant

Intelligent Computing Lab, Tsinghua University

Responsibilities include:

  • Participated in Kaggle competition: Two Sigma: Using News to Predict Stock Movements. Developed the stock forecasting system based financial data and news data, using XGboost, Estimation Distribution Algorithm(EDA) and got Top 3% result around the world.
  • Developed the table recognition system based on Mask—RCNN and FPN and finetuned the model with the help of geometrical rules.
  • Built the Cloud Space system for Children’s Roof Space Design and Community Relation Reconstruction.
  • Setup a Fully-Distributed Cluster based on Apache Hadoop and Spark, programmed a Naïve Bayes classifier under Map/Reduce framework.
January 2018 – February 2018
Sydney, Australia

Exchange Student

University of Sydney

Responsibilities include:

  • Received a full scholarship from Wuhan University and went to the University of Sydney in Australia for a winter study about cultural communication and global leadership.
  • Held successfully the China-Australia Cultural Salon that was reported by local media.
July 2017 – December 2018
Wuhan, China

Data Engineer

Minute Data Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Responsibilities include:

  • Designed distributed crawler of financial data and study abroad data.
  • Launched a fintech product named “WinGO” based on glassdoor and company annual financial data.
  • Analyzed corporate culture of each company, using Natural Language Processing (emotional analysis, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec).
  • Developed search engine of words frequency based on Elasticsearch.
  • Deployed development environment (Linux, Windows).
  • Designed databases (MySQL, MongoDB).
September 2016 – June 2018
Wuhan, China

Research Assistant

Mapping and Remote Sensing Lab, Wuhan University

Responsibilities include:

  • Proposed a method of remote sensing image classification based on Deep Learning.
  • Developed an Android Application for agriculture investigating.
  • Developed an Android Application for environmental monitoring.
  • Optimized the algorithm of short-time rain prediction based on neural network and increased the accuracy rate of prediction from 50% to 70%.
  • Participated in the research on the Environmental Environment Information Collection and Remote Transmission System and optimized Yunnan Water Environment Testing Network Platform.
May 2015 – June 2018
Wuhan, China


Excellent Engineers Project, Wuhan University

Responsibilities include:

  • Completed a image processing project: Chinese chess piece recognition based on template matching
  • Completed two mathematical model design projects: Community clustering based on communication data and Evaluation of urban wisdom growth based on gray prediction algorithm.
  • Completed two embedded design projects: FPGA-based video game development and serial data transmission based on ARM platform .
  • Complete some hardware design projects: logic pen, flow watercolor light, time delay night light, infrared alarm, FM radio, DC power supply, etc.


From now on, you can get some information about me from this website. This is my home.

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Face adversarial sample

Adversarial attack against face recognition


ZiYue: gold jewelry series

Cloud Space

Cloud Space: children’s roof space design and community relation reconstruction


A smart album

Title Trigger: All titles you want

A project from Google AI ML Winter Camp (2019)


WeCup: a smart cup with pill cases

Usher Robot

An usher robot based on Raspberry.

Stock Prediction

Kaggle competition: Using News to Predict Stock Movements

Hi Baby

A maternal community platform


Lan: clothing series

Glaze Spraying

An problem of Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (APMCM)

Weather Forecast

Short-term and Small-area Weather Forecast Based on Monitoring Data of Intelligent Meteorological Sensor System

Minute Data (fintech company)

Intern experience in minute data

Smart Garbage

Smart Garbage Can recycle bottles


How to use shenzhen + SDGs

Coordinate and Characters Recognition of Chinese Chess

An algorithm that can correctly recognize the state of a Chinese chess game

'Hello world' study abroad

A personalized study-abroad platform

Community Clustering Based On Communication Data

An problem of the Central Region of China Contest in Modeling

Smart Growth of Cities

An problem of Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling of USA (ICM)

Agriculture Investigation Application

An application for agriculture investigation


An environmental monitoring information intelligent cloud service platform.

Night Light

Design for a night light circuit

Snake Game

Snake game based on FPGA

Infrared Alarm

Design for an infrared alarm circuit


Characterizing users’ interest accurately plays a significant role in an effective recommender system. The sequential recommender …

Remote sensing technology is a powerful technical way and an important source of information to study the environment and the geology …


  • Shenzhen Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Guangdong, 518055, China
  • Monday 09:00 to 10:00
    Wednesday 09:00 to 10:00
    Otherwise email to book an appointment
  • Book an appointment